Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Will I ever go to sleep?

Hello! It is very late... I am tired yet just cannot get to sleep. I tried me. After I was laying there... tossing and turning...messing up the bed I said... I am done with this.
I got up..., decided to have a good healthy snack..., and decided to read awhile and slowly but surely... I am feeling sleep may just come very soon. Hooray!
I plan when I awake in the morning to get to town on a quilt that is almost finished. It is a gift... then I have my list...and I will start on the next thing on the list. I am hoping for a good day... and I do not have to go anywhere either.
It is my day!
Oh... I am feeling it... sleep is coming very fast now... and with this good feeling, I am going to say good night! Cu all later..... Hugs Morgan