Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Spoonflower Love

As promised here is the finished result of the fabric design that I had printed by Spoonflower. I got to say I was thrilled with the results and completely delighted by the colors, (even though they were a little brighter then I had imagined) and how clear and sharp the details were!

Now that I see the results I'm anxious to order some new designs, of which I have been diligently working on. (So many ideas!) However being of frugal means, I can't just willy-nilly order every design I come up with and like. No, no, no. Each one has to pass a certain test in my mind as I ask the question, "is it Spoonflower worthy?" ...I feel a bit like Elaine on Seinfeld wondering if the men she dated were sponge worthy!

On another note, I have jumped on the Twitter band wagon. My main reason is so that I can easily keep in touch with eldest daughter when she leaves, (in a week and a half) to study abroad for the semester, (have mercy, I will miss her) However, I figured if I have it I might as well use it. Trouble is, I feel like a slow moving turtle crossing a 4-lane highway... very out of my comfort zone. (Heck, I don't even know how to text message someone... pathetic but true.) Will soon see how this newest venture into cyberville turns out, wish me luck!