Monday, September 21, 2009


Monday... and my hubby still has not got homefrom work and it is already 1:00 pm. This is really a good thing. As for the last three weeks, his job has been slow. This hurts when paying bills. The times are so difficult for so many rights now. I think...from what I see on the news it will be getting worse before it gets better.

Yet I am going to twist this a bit and feel that in a short time things will get better. I am going to look at all I am lucky to still have... Moreover, how I can make things better for us and others. I am very grateful for so many things in my life. I just believe we need to stay positive and find ways to make it easier on our own lives. I am cutting back, on some of the things we really could do without... and... I am starting a garden in pots... that could help during the upcoming holidays. Veggies.... herbs
Making all of my gifts... some are plant pots handed painted by me... with a quilt pattern on it. I will give a herb to someone, and make him or her a quilt to match the pattern. This is something that does not cost a lot.

Today I am going to pick up a couple pots to start. (For the gifts). I tried it out on my very own pots; I have many just here sitting around waiting to have something in them. How pretty they look and it brightens them up. I used oil paint... as I oil paint. It does take three days for it to dry. Yet it will not wipe away this way, or the weather ruin the design on the pot. It can be used outside.

I am going to work on a hand-quilting project; I had started for my hubby. Tomorrow is my hubby’s birthday! Going to make him a German chocolate birthday cake too... and give him a pillow, I started of a picture of his boat on it.
I do hope everyone is having a great day... and remember to stay positive! Hugs Morgan