Tuesday, September 1, 2009

HO HUM . . .

So, this morning I got up *really* early to have my quiet time, and then Todd & I had coffee together before he left, just before seven. Then, since I was ready to go and had an hour to kill, I headed to the yellow room!!! You know what that means . . .

I was almost late for work! :)

I went ahead and cut out the fabric for the block and border of the next quilted wall hanging I'm going to do! It's a present, so I can't talk too much about it here, except to say it's SEW cute! I got a bunch of fabric in yesterday, that I'd mail-ordered. What a fun collection! Mixed with some pretty prints I already had, this project is really going to be fun. I can't wait to post pics! I guess, too, I should just zip my mouth on that one! I'll be spoiling it in no time. I *do* like to talk about my projects, though!

Jocey's wedding pics are finally up and online! I was so hoping I could post a few here, but not yet. The thumbnails are too small to be able to see. Pooh!

My sister called; she must know I need a major event in order to get me cracking on a quilt! She wants to use BBS quilt in a display at their Boy Scout booth at the Montrose fair. I have to have it to her by the first weekend in October!!! I betta get busy! I ordered several swatches of solid flannels today, and they should be in before the week's end. I'll pick one and get the back of the quilt done and get it quilted! Yikes!

Wouldn't it be fun to be able to do things "quilt" full-time? Ahhhhhh!

Que sera, sera!
