Tuesday, September 8, 2009


That it's Tuesday morning, that I got so much accomplished over the weekend, that my boss was in a great mood this morning, that it's fall . . . what's not to love?!?

While I was scanning clippings into my computer, I came across a very darling pattern for a fall table runner. It's very simply pieced, but it has big leaves and acorns appliqued down the center. Very cute! The leaves and acorns would be the perfect use for the fall fabrics I got last week -- I just need a plaid for the border. I've probably got something on hand that would work for the center. It's nice to have gotten my 'stash' to the point where I can say that (and not have it detriment some other project I've purchased it for -- which I have done)! I'd like to make a simple runner for Jocelyn, Kim, and my mom. Of course, I told the girls last year that the first one to have family Thanksgiving at their house would get the pretty runner I made last year! :)

I'm really tickled with the project I'm working on that I can't talk about. It's fun to see tangible evidence of what started as a simple idea. I love playing with fabric and colors and shapes! I think perhaps I was born to quilt. LOL!

I need to square up the pieced top of BBS quilt and cut out and do the same for the flannel back. I'll get it to Becky this week! Whoohoo!

This afternoon I'll go from work to Stuckey Builders and take care of his books. Then I'll stop and get us something for supper. We were going to have sloppy joes, but I cannot find the freezer bag of it anywhere! I've been through both freezers twice -- all I can think is that I bagged that up with Jocelyn's stuff. Ah well -- nothing that I had in there sounded good for tonight. I may have to settle for Chinese. *grin*

I can hardly write without including a picture . . . last night I went to sit on the porch for just a bit to watch the storm that was passing to the South. As I came out the door, I saw the big, white, fluffy tail of Bernadette walking into the cluster of evergreens around the storm shelter. She wasn't rushing -- just taking her time, swishing that tail of hers. Bernandette is one of our three skunks. She's the most beautiful -- mostly white -- sparkly white -- with very, very long hair. She's definitely the prima dona of the bunch! Anyway, she left before I could get a camera shot of her, but I did turn on the fairy lights and sit on the porch for a while. I'll upload the picture later, when I get home.

Enough for now!

Hasta luego!
