Monday, April 27, 2009

It is HOT in here!

Hi! For any of you up so late! I am tired and sitting in my bed… with my computer. Our air conditioner is still acting up. Even after having, it fixed the other day. Therefore, it is warm in here. I do think it is better than it was earlier. Slowly it is getting cooler. I am so happy too for it is not easy sleeping when it is too hot.
Had a very hard time today having that test done, for my breathing and there was several different test she had me do. I must say…whatever she had me breathing in, was very hard to handle. Several different test I had to do, and each one felt like I was going to faint. She really pushed me to do more than I could do. Therefore, when I left, I rushed home to my nest. Hooked up to my oxygen machine and felt so much better.
Today I got my blocks back from a group I really enjoy so much. I guess I need to work harder on my blocks. I felt okay, as she gave me some good points, and I can really see what she is talking about. I just did it in the end in such a rush. I did though learn a few tips, and I will keep moving on to learn how to do perfect blocks. It was my second swap. Yet, I never did this type before. Ya learn from mistakes, and I have more of an idea Of what is expected. I am good... it makes me know I can do better...and of course this all has been put into my memory part of my brain so I will not ever repeat this mistake again.
Jeff, Had to get a drip today. It is done every two weeks, so he will not get an infection. Denny had taken him down to Miami for me. I guess my DH was in for a surprise. He said, he did not realize so many people had transplants. He got up-set over the babies there. I told him that there are many people sick, and that he should realize he is lucky to be so healthy.
Ha! My puppy is hot! He usually sleeps in his bed... not right now he is in front of a fan. Ha! I hope everyone has a great day today! I am going to try to sleep.
Hugs Morgan