Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dear Jane Blocks are a new thing for me!

Good afternoon Ladies,
Today is Sunday…and I am about to go into town….and go to the food store and stop by a few of my favorite stores. My hubby is coming home tonight, so I want to have the rest of my Easter stuff all displayed nice. Have some jellybeans in the candy dishes. He enjoys when the house is all decorated to the different things going on.
I have something new that is starting to interest me a lot. That is the Dear Jane blocks. I may join a group … that does just the Dear Jane Blocks. I do so many hobby’s why not add some more HA! I love to have something to work on while watching T.V with my husband when he is home. Plus while I wait in doctors offices. Keeps me calm before seeing the doctors.
I love quilting, appliqué, paper piecing, hand quilting, machine quilting, embroidery, general sewing, knitting, gardening and now maybe learning how to make the Dear Jane blocks. I would like to do these by hand.
Have a great day! I feel rather good today!
Hugs Morgan