Saturday, April 25, 2009

All is Great! Whoa it is hard though....

Hello! Here it getting rather late… yet I have been writing back to all those who wrote to me. Still a few to still do. I am pretty warn out from those trips to Miami. For any of you who do not know of what it is like, well it is a mess driving those roads. In other words worth your life to drive in that. I have been stressed, due to it. Yet... the trips to Miami will now be going to what they call a sub station for lab work. It will be in Pompano FL. Therefore, that still is a long drive for us. Yet about 25 minutes less than to Miami. Yet the roads will be so much better.
Jeff is doing great! There are though so many very important details to attend to daily. Lots of medicine too. They are trying to get it all balanced out for him. I have so many things going on, and I did feel so overwhelmed as my lawyer wants me to do a thousand things for my case with my lungs, which everyone in my family pushed me to do.. Now I am up to my eyeballs with that, new doctor who is wonderful, lung doctor who has me going through all types of test. These tests so far have been hard to do. It is called breathing into a machine for 40 minutes. My lungs are not good. They are so burnt, and I have only 60 percent of my lungs working. They do not hold my oxygen and so as I said before I am like a battery that has to be recharged at night. I have an app. On Monday at 11:00 are, and Jeff needs to be in Miami at 7:00 so we leave at 4:00 am. I will not be back in time for my test. I was stressed over this. Yet tonight, Denny my husband solved my stress. He said he would drive Jeff to Miami and handle that for me, so I can go have my test. What a great man I have married. Next month is our anniversary of 1 year. May 6th. I am still a new bride HA! We never even gone on a honeymoon as of yet. Maybe soon. We have a new fifth wheel, and I never have gone anywhere in it yet. I want to go camping in the keys, for a week for our honeymoon. So maybe soon we can do that. Well, everything is great... with Jeff. He is planning his future. I love to hear of what he is planning. He knows he has a wonderful gift. Chat later, I am going to take my medicine and put on my oxygen machine, and get a good night’s rest. Hugs Morgan