Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Greetings from Metropolis and Superfriends

Greetings from Metropolis...Illinois, home of the Superman
Meet his sidekick Superquilter...

And the Superfriends.

Is Superman's alter ego Clark Kent or is it "Big John"?

I love roadside attractions and could not wait to stop in Metropolis to see Superman. We stopped off at 8:30 in the morning and had to wait our turn to take a photo with Superman.
There is something to be said for the lure of these giant cultural icons. It brought us into the quaint downtown area and if the shops had been open we would have stayed to browse. I'm thinking of suggesting this to our town council to try to get more tourists to stop and stay. What kind of cultural icon would you bring your grand kids or kids to see?
To see more or my favorite stops, click on the Roadside Attractions label just below this post.