Thursday, September 25, 2008

NE Quilt Show!

I do have some quilts that I've accomplished since last posting, but I'll have to post them later. I went to the Boston Area with DH who went on business, and YES I had to look up anything quilty in the area. I found a Quilt Museum in Lowell, Mass and while on their website I noticed that they weren't having a regular class session because of a Quilt Show. So I looked it up and the Mancuso organization was doing a show in Manchester, NH. Only an hour away!! So we had to go! Poor Hubby got drug to 2 quilting things in one week! He was a good sport and I love him for it. Here's a few pics. Please be respectfully and realize that these were taken for my own enjoyment and should not be used for commercial or other unlawful enterprises!
