Monday, October 19, 2009

Shot Cotton

Here's a peek at what I am currently working on. It's a small quilt inspired by old, patched work quilts.

I'm using shot cottons, which are probably my favorite of all fabrics.

They are woven with two colors, one for the weft and one for the warp. This creates great subtle shifts in color as the fabric moves and the light hits it.


By the way, the photo of my daughter from the post below was taken at the White Chalk Cliffs at Brighton-on-the-Sea, England. And yes, my heart momentarily stopped when I first saw it, as my head screamed, "Are you CRAZY! What the $#@^%!! are you doing up there!!??!!" But then my fear was replaced with tremendous pride. I admire people who live full lives.

Thanks also, for continued well wishes. I have good days and bad days and a heating pad is my constant companion when sitting or lying. Ben Gay and I are getting to be pretty good friends, too! Back is slowly improving, but shoulder keeps wanting to pop and dislocate with even the slightest movement, (ouch). Taking it a day at a time. But today's a good day. After a week of rain the sun is shining. Sometimes that's all you really need!