Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bad Back Blog Break

So sorry for the lack of blog posts and for not visiting everyone else's blogs as much as usual... I have been having upper back and right shoulder issues and finally went to see the chiropractor. Seems that the muscles between my shoulder blades have shut down! They aren't working at all at the moment and my upper shoulder muscles are in over-drive. This all has caused my right shoulder to become slightly dislocated. Dr. feels the cause is most likely from working at the computer for long periods of time. Ugh! So, while I work at trying to get myself back in good working order, I am taking as much of a break from the computer as I can... cutting down temporarily wherever it isn't absolutely necessary.

I have new things I want to share, (the Spoonflower fabric I ordered is on the way, plus I have a new quilt with a new look, in the works). So, I hope to be back soon. Till then, take care!