Saturday, October 10, 2009

happy birthday to ME! :)

Yes, that today is my birthday *does* explain why this kicks off my favorite time of the year! :)

Lots of pictures today, because I've been a big slacker this week and have not be an active poster. It wasn't for a lack of things to share, but because I was so busy *doing* those things! You know, my blog conundrum.

First, here are the pictures of my annual fall "fun" for my mom. I finally got it finished *and* got it in the mail. Geez. You'd think procrastinator was my middle name!

I think it turned out really well, if I do say so myself! Now I've got two more sets to do -- one for Joc and one for Kim! Hopefully I'll finish 'em before October ends! At least I won't have to mail them! *grin* Below is the table topper along with the tea towel. The annual squirrel -- gotta get it in!

After I got that off in the mail (along with the Grand Hands quilt), I wasn't sure what to do with myself. Lots of options. Like . . . .
New Tea Time magazine! Yum -- doesn't it look like fun? The bagger at the grocery store looked at the cover and asked if I was going to make that cake. I told him I sure was going to *read* about making that cake! :) And look at the pretty cardinals on the tea pot! My favorite! Well, if not the magazine, then . . .

Did I mention I'd won another contest?? Yes, I'm pretty sure I did. Part of the winnings arrived yesterday -- this book is GORGEOUS!!! I love it! The pictures are simply wonderful. What I really like is that a lot of the quilts have a very traditional feel, but the fabrics give them new life! Just downright beautiful. Oh but wait -- while I'm on the subject on winning, I did get an e-mail on Friday that I'd won the TGIF Giveaway (the link is on my sidebar). Can you believe it?!?!?! I'm quite excited about this win, too -- it's a darling little accessory kit from Ruby Jane's Retro Fabrics. I was just tickled! What fun. Hmmmm, there's also . . .

A charm pack easy-peasy baby quilt . . . it's laid out, I just need to pin and sew. Actually, I there's way too much I should be doing in this room. I'll save this room for my "sew freely monday"! Perhaps . . .
My darling mom and dad sent me a nice little happy birthday check -- fun money! I turned around and ordered a couple of DVDs that I felt needed to join my collection. Lucky me, they arrived in today's mail! Lots to choose from! Oooh--but first . . . .
Tomorrow is time for another Secret Pal gift! Sticking with the idea that packaging is half the fun of a gift, I hot glued leaf cutouts all over the top of a piece of cardboard, then added the Autumn Angel and lots of Hershey's miniatures! After wrapping it in cellophane, I hot glued a couple more leaves on the outside and voila! I hope it's a happy. So, what will it be . . .

At first glance, this sure doesn't not look like it could possibly be my activity of choice, but . . .
That turns into this! Isn't it pretty? It's a flowering tea -- white peach tea, to be precise. My friend, Jennifer, gave me the flowering tea and the clear pot for my birfday! What a fun happy! So I thought to myself, self, let's make a fun pot of tea to go with whatever it is you decide on! So I did! Then I thought to myself, self, let's go all the way with this tea thing. So I did!
I made the tea tray out of a gold picture frame (LOL -- but not today -- a while back!). I picked a pretty fabric and topped it with a crocheted doily of my grandma's. Then I screwed in the handles and put felt pads on the four corners underneath. Isn't it sweet? The creamer and sugar bowl go with the teapot the kids got me for Mother's Day -- I *love* it! The cup and saucer set is really special to me. I've given one to my daughter, and one to my daughter-in-law. And I'll give a set to every girl grandchild that comes along, too. That way, we can think of each other whenever we have a quiet minute to sit down and have a nice cup of tea; no matter the distance between us physically! LOL---and check out my pumpkin-topped sugar cubes! I had splenda in the sugar bowl, but the cubes were so darling, I wanted to include them! I don't know why I didn't just use 'em -- I ate 'em anyway! It's okay, it's my birfday. :)
So, I brought my tea service into the living room, set the tray on the couch beside me, turned the tv on to the Alabama game (and muted it) and put Hocus Pocus into the laptop. Yes. I vegged. It was a cool, grey day -- the perfect kind for doing exactly what I ended up doing. Curling up on the couch and watching old movies, with a pot of tea. Bliss.
Oh . . . and I made dinner for a family at church for tomorrow; white bean chili and pumpkin topped brownie bites. Cute little things! And I finished scanning all my magazine clippings into pdf files! Hooooray! And I tidied the house (because the kids are coming over after church tomorrow to celebrate with me). I think that's it. Oh yeah -- and I played on facebook. Alot!
Finally, for posterity, here's a self-portrait of me on my forty-seventh.

Life is good.