Saturday, October 3, 2009

planning themes . . . hmmmmm!

Okay, so I love women's ministry.  I've been involved with women's ministry for as long as I've been a Bible-believing, born-again member of a church.  I have such a heart for women and the challenges they (we) face as children of God living on this here earth . . . it's almost too much for me to be able to vocalize!

 La.  That being said, I've done lots of searching and researching for resources to use in women's ministry wherever I am.  One that I found several years ago is Marnie Swedberg, who is like a mentor's mentor!  She comes up with lots of great ideas and puts them within reach of those who need them.  I've subscribed to her Marnie Minute, and Event Planners Friend and most recently, Eating With Gratitude.  She's a fabulous resource and I'm so grateful for her (and I've told her that, too)!

Right now, she's got this cool contest going on, "Resources Via Marnie".  She's got thirty-two theme planning sets; each set includes things like the overall theme (okay, duh), game ideas, publicity ideas, food, decorating, entertainment -- it's really quite ingenious, and incredibly useful!  The contest involves folks picking their favorite theme set, and blogging about it, which is what this blog entry is about!  :)

So I went through the different sets.  There are a LOT!  And surprisingly, of all the wonderful themes, I was able to pick one that I thought was the most fun.  Surprisingly again, it was not what I would have thought I'd have picked!  Let me 'splain . . .

I love tea parties and quilting and crafting -- so anything with those themes you'd think would be top picks for me right?  There's also music-based themes, and exercise (okay, that one's a "stretch" for me!), and holidays, and eating and so much fun stuff!!  But the one that *really* captured my eye was this one:

A Rodeo Theme!!!!!

It looks like *so* much fun!!!  And what a GREAT way to *rope* women into a terrific study/event, with such a *catchy* theme!  Rodeo just sounds like an exciting time -- and having everyone come dressed to fill the part makes it relaxed and easy to feel comfortable.  Super idea! 

Anyway, that's the one that gets my vote.  Take a swing by there and check it out.  And check Marnie out while you're at it!  You'll be blessed, that's for sure!

Get along, little doggies!
