Monday, October 5, 2009

Beautiful Monday!

Hello All!
Just checking in... Only for a few minutes. My DH just came in... He got to work longer to make up for the bad start of this past week! I have done lots this week... and the house has all the fall stuff out. Hmmmmmmmmm it looks very nice!
As I read other post... of the weather... wishing I were where it is cooler it is right now 90 here. Yet there is a breeze... and thank goodness for that. In addition, the sun is fully out... and the water has ripples from the breeze. The fish are jumping...and a rather big turtle is sun bathing himself. My grapefruit tree has tons of grapefruit, still green... yet they will be ready in late Nov. and Dec. They are going to be huge this year.

Hope everyone has a great day...!
DH is already in front of the TV... therefore I am going to get my fabrics I cut out already ready to hand piece ........I always have things around here all done.... so that I can just sit with DH. Be back on Wednesday!
Oh I am doing really good...with breathing. That new med. It is wonderful! I feel like a new person!
CU all later! Hugs Morgan