Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Molasses Update

Huge great big heartfelt THANK YOU'S to all who have kept Mo in there hearts and for the loving wishes left on my last post. She has gone from not being able to sit, stand or walk, to now as of this morning, being able to slowly and a bit wobbly, walk outside and around the yard a bit. Ears flapping in the breeze and tail wagging at our encouraging words. This is very bitter sweet. It is and has always been about her happiness and her quality of life She has been through so much during these past months, yet her enthusiasm for life stays so strong. Knocks me to my knees. I am watching her closely for signs as what to do, and as of now, she still seems to want to fight this new fight, (along with her cancer fight) and we will continue to stay right by her side helping her for as long as she wants. Mo and I have been camping out again in the living room, and yesterday I set up a small sewing station there in the hopes of getting some small projects done while she sleeps. xo Victoria