Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A Video of My Work in Progress for What's in a Name?

Marcia Ellen Wachuta 
Midnight Blue, Evening Blue, and Wild Watermelon are perfect colors for my name.  I love blue and it is nice to have a bit of reddish.  I think it adds interest!

Previous post shows how I made the quilt top using a variation of the my Scattered Quilt Pattern.

The video shows you how I quilted it.  I am freestyle quilting my name in a wavy line.  I make it look easy, but it's not!  Also I was running the quilting machine with my right hand and I was holding the camera with my left hand.  It's only 2 minutes long.   I had to video tape 4 times to finally get a fairly decent take!  Good thing I know how to spell my name. Enjoy!

Just having fun in May!
