Saturday, May 28, 2011

Cubed Pillow {free tutorial}

Materials needed:
1 - 16"x16" pillow form
1/2 yard solid fabric
2 large buttons
Cut two 16"x16" squares.
Lay the two pieces right sides together.
Sew around three sides. On the fourth side sew the two ends leaving an 8" opening in the center.
After sewing you will take the corner of the pillow, still inside out. Line the seams up to make a nice point. Measure 3" from the point.
Draw a line across the corner at the 3" line.
Sew across that line and then trim 1/4" from the stitch line. Repeat this process on all four corners.
Stuff the pillow with the 16" pillow form. Make sure to work the form into all of the corners.
Hand sew with a running stitch the 8" opening closed.
Use an extra long needle and sew the buttons onto the center of the pillow. One button on each side. Make sure to pull the buttons tight to create the pulled look.

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