Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday - On Wednesday??? And a Giveaway - YES!

This giveaway is now closed.  Thanks to everyone who entered!  Check the May for Me page for the current Giveaways.
Better late than never!  So this is going to be another Double Double Giveaway combining a two day Post - LATE !  And an update on my Mom at the bottom of this post. 

Monday I posted the winners of the Double Double Giveaway (I  am still looking for Pat).  I didn't do my regular "Up Close with My Quilting" for Monday.  Tuesday is "Hodgepodge Patchwork". So today I am doing "Up Close with My Quilting" and "Hodgepodge Patchwork" and a Double Giveaway!

I couple years ago I discovered Patch Abilities Wall hangings.  I love them!  Julie, the designer and creator of Patch Abilities has the coolest wall hanging patterns. When I make them I feel like a kid again.  Cutting out the little pieces of fabric and then pressing them on the background fabric is such a delight.  But my favorite part is where I thread paint on the raw edge appliqué.  It's like coloring!  

Previously to finding Patch Abilities, I had taken a thread painting class form Terry White.  She doesn't thread paint on fabric.  But I like to thread paint on the raw edge appliqué that way I don't have to stitch as heavy, because the colors of the fabrics are there too.  It gives it a different dimensional look.

Remember, I have said before, I like to learn and then do it my own way...  It's just the way I am.

Patch Abilities Wall hangings are sold as patterns and patterns and kits.  This is one of my favorites: Butterfly Haven.

Here is a view of the back side of the wall hanging.  Lots of stitching! Remember I stitch them on the long arm machine.  Julie from Patch Abilities suggests hand stitching them with embroidery stitches, which is really neat too.  I choose to do it my way, stitching on the long arm machine - doing my own kind of thread painting.  

Update on my Mom:  She is getting better and is recovering at a Sub Acute Section of her local Hospital.  She will be there for 5 days to two weeks.  On Monday and Tuesday I was getting her all settled in.  She will get all sorts of Physical Therapy to help her get her strength back.  They told us Pancreatitis is not like the flu, it takes a long time to recover from it's ill effects.  Again thank your for all of your kind thoughts and prayers...

Today's Double Double Giveaway is $20.00 off my Machine Quilting Services on a Lap Size Quilt or larger. (approximately 45" X 65") 

I am giving away 2 prizes - 2 gift certificates good for one year thru' June 1, 2012.  So two of you will be winners!  Additional Bonus:  If you book your quilting date for September 2011, you will can get an extra $10.00 off the quilting! So that's $30.00 off the quilting on a lap size quilt or larger.

Leave a comment to enter.  #1  Tell me if you are a follower or a new follower.  #2 What kind of freestyle quilting would you like me to quilt on your quilt if you win? #3 If you want a second chance in the drawing - make a separate comment and tell me where you blogged, shared or tweeted about the giveaway and include the link.

Drawing will be June 1, 2011 at 6pm. The winners will be announced on June 2, 2011.

Thanks for following me and Good Luck in the drawing.
Another giveaway next Tuesday!

Enjoying May one day at a time! Marcia

 I was not paid or compensated in any way from Patch Abilities or Terry White.  I just want of give both of them credit for inspiring me. Thanks!