Monday, May 23, 2011

Double Winners - Double Prizes - May for Me Celebration Giveaway!

The Double Winners win double prizes: Pat and Shelly
Congratulations to both Pat and Shelly!

Each winner will receive a set of May for Me Note Cards and The Easy To Sew Quilt Pattern.  Two prizes each!

Thank you to everyone who follows me and left a comment sharing who inspired them to craft, sew, or quilt and for the kind wishes and prayers for my Mom.

I emailed Shelly, but I can't email Pat as she is a non-reply-commenter.  

So Pat when you see this, email me!

Several of you that follow me are listed as a non-reply blogger.  Here's how to know, if I did not send you  a reply to your comment, than you need to either leave an email in your comment or on your blog settings, somewhere you can add an email/  That way when you leave a comment, then bloggers can reply to your comment.   Most importantly you can win!  I have seen where some bloggers don't let that person win, because there is no contact information.  But I will post it and hope that the person sees this post and contacts me.  So Pat email me, please.  Do you know Pat?  Let her know she won too. Thanks!

Pat's comment was:
Pat said...

I too am a new follower. I too will have to give my grandmothers credit for starting me on the road of quilting, sewing, crocheting and crafting. My mom's mom taught me to sew on an old treadle machine when I was 7 and I am now in my 50s so that is over 40 years of crafting for me. :) I hope I have inspired others to also express their creativeness too. And even if I don't win the prize, I just wanted to say those baskets are gorgeous! And you have inspired me to give them a try sometime. Thanks. :)

Shelley's comment was: 
Shelly (free indeed) said...

I've always had a creative bent I guess. Mom recognised that in me and made up a craft box for me. She would put yarn, pipe cleaners, toilet paper rolls, tissue paper, gum wrappers...just about anything she thought I could use to create. I used that box for years!!!! My first sewing 'lessons' were on lace up cards; then she gave me the cut off hems when she hemmed slacks...lots of polyester in those days LOL! I started my first patchwork with those and all by hand....I thank her for encouraging that spark for making things with my hands and imagination.

Thanks again for all the kind wishes and prayers for my Mom.  We are still at the Hospital and my Mom is doing better.  Please keep us in your prayers.

Another May for Me Giveaway on Tuesday! Here is a listing of the past Hodgepodge Patchwork Tuesday Posts.
Enjoying May one day at a time.