Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Capturing fleeting moments . . .

My sweet daughter-in-law, Kim (on the right), and her friend, Kim!
They are both due within a month of the other.
Aren't they precious? Expectant mothers are darling!
Especially when they are carrying your grandson!!!! :)

Thanksgiving Table 2009!
The last one (more than likely) on Hunter Road!
We have had some awesome Thanksgiving dinners around this table,
but I truly believe this year's was the BEST!

Close-up of the center.
I had just been wondering what I was going to do
floral-wise in the center of the table, when who should show
up at work with flowers, but my darling husband.
Oh my, how blessed and doubly blessed I am.

Old Tom, stuffed, seasoned and ready for the oven!
(It was early, EARLY in the morning, hence the coffee cup!)

Yay! Tom's goose is cooked! LOL! :)
James took all the family photos with his camera,
so I don't have any of all of us! Pooh.

Pretty little Christmas tree in its new space!
I need to cover the milk crate. One day I'll quilt an appropriate cover!

There's my Russian nesting Santa scene!
There's Santa, a snow angel, another Santa,
a snowman and a Christmas tree!
I purchased this in a flea market in Moscow.

A closer-up of the tree!
It took us about 5 minutes to decorate it! :)
We had sugar-free egg nog and sugar-free cookies
to help put us in the mood, then we watched Rudolph!
It's beginning to look a LOT like Christmas!

How appropriate . . . my nesting doll Nativity scene under The Last Supper.
And if the picture on the TV is throwing you for a loop,
let me explain by saying it's the Bumble, from Rudolph.
The red (which looks like a big, glowing, floating eye)
is really his tongue in his open mouth!

Last night it was so windy, we had to pull in the awning and the antenna! Hopefully it will die down and we'll be able to string up our lights! YAY! I can't wait to have pretty colored lights on our RV -- it will be lots of fun to come home to!

Todd is busy winterizing the RV and getting his space all worked out. Every time I come home it's a little closer! There are still things at Hunter Road that need to come over, but not pertinent stuff -- more like the optional stuff. I thought I'd found all my Christmas stuff over the Thanksgiving weekend, but I'm still missing a bunch. Who knows where it is! Time for another trip to the 'cinderblock' basement!

This is a busy week; getting things settled before the cold weather settles, moving stuff in and around, church, and then a ladies' cookie swap on Friday! I'm going to see if the girls want to join my in cookie baking on Saturday; then the bustle of the season starts in earnest! Parties, church events, meetings . . . wow! I did find out today that we're closing the 24th-25th and again on the 31st-1st! That means two, five-day weekends in a row!! Whoo whoo!

Let the reindeer games begin!
