Thursday, December 10, 2009

Busy ....Tired....Yet so Happy Too!

Good Afternoon to all!
I am not going to be on here long. You see the picture of that puppy... well I am busy taking care of her, and with my own 10 year old pup who is a poodle too. She still has no name, as she is for my parents. I want them to be able to name her. I realize this will be my parent’s last dog. (They will be thrilled, and this will help them as they miss having a dog.) Everyone in our family is buying them all the items needed for her. They will not have to worry on the cost..for her.
I want them to have many days of joy with her. I can see she is perfect for them. She is so sweet... and good too. Just keeping my male pup away from her is the whole problem I am facing. It’s a difficult job... and very draining too! Sleeping... is lost is just like having a baby here. I am loving it too... just trying to figure how I can work some time to do my projects! Heeeek.... the hours pass by and I am finding I am getting nothing done.
Off to pay bills... while I can.
I have until Christmas Eve, and I am sure I will work out some type of system to have it be easier. Both are napping ...whoa what a blessing. I can hear the silence and loving it so, really appreciating it right now.
I do hope everyone is getting to do all they love, and getting all their projects done too.
Have a wonderful day! Hugs Morgan