Saturday, June 18, 2011

Pillowcase Dress Redux: Fab Four Hexy Style

 I made Tess another pillowcase dress and I think I did a much better job this time.  The armholes aren't nearly as huge as last time.
 I used the Fabulous Four fabric that I had left from making her birthday quilt and room deco.  I also added four hexies as a last-second detail.
 I'm so glad I thought to put those hexagons there as they were the first thing she noticed -- "It has hexies!" (Yes, both my kids know all the cool quilting lingo.)
It's a good fit and looks super cute on.  Now if it would only quit raining here and warm up (I had the heat on in the house the other day) then maybe she'll have a chance to wear it.  Cheers,  Riel