Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day: Some of Mother Nature's Other Mothers

For Mother's Day, I wanted to show some of the fabulous photos from my mother's blog Nature Tales and Camera Trails. All of the photos in this post were taken by her. I chose a few of my favourites showing mothers and babies.

Above is a female Wood Duck and her young.
My mother has countless great nature photos. She has an uncanny ability to be in the right place at the right time. I sometimes tease her and say it is like a sixth sense. I think maybe she is just so aware and appreciative of nature around her, that she notices things other people may not.
The photo above shows a young Osprey leaving the nest.
This tree swallow house is in my parents' backyard. The birds return each year.

My favourite New Brunswick animal, the white-tailed deer. It is very easy to find deer to photograph around here, but certainly not so much with their fawns.
A wary mother red fox and her kits.And finally, a Common Merganser and her ducklings.
I am so thankful to both my parents for my love of nature. If you'd like to surf over to my mother's blog, just click here.
Happy Mother's Day Mom. Love you.