Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We're Home. . .

We really wanted to stay in San Diego, but I don't think it would have gone over well with the family in Utah. Here's the last picture I took in San Diego.

We arrived back in Utah just in time to head off to the Jr High for a Parent's meeting Friday afternoon. I had to make the adult decision and skip the quilt show because of family/home stuff to take care of. I picked up the quilts that were entered into the show, and I was disappointed that none of them got ribbons. But I guess that's life. I was a bit apprehensive about seeing what the judges had to say, but they were all positive comments and just one negative. I'm sad I didn't get to see the show and all the quilts that were in the show because they must have been fantastic.
Here's a pic of the quilt as I was trimming it for binding. I'm sad the quilt didn't win a ribbon, but now that I have it back I realize how much I love this quilt and it doesn't matter. I'll take a picture of the quilt all bound and finished for an upcoming blog.