Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Little More From Paducah

I enjoyed exploring downtown Paducah.

The town is full of beautiful architecture.

River towns always have such grand old buildings, allowing a peek at times past when river commerce was king.

As a child I spent a weekend with my aunt and uncle swimming on the shore of the Ohio River. The river was as I remembered it, barges pushing coal and gravel up and down the river to some distant place.

If you are ever in Paducah make sure you take time to see The Wall or "Wall to Wall".

Murals painted by artist Robert Dafford cover the flood walls that protect the downtown area. Each panel depicts a different aspect of the local area history. I tried to find a link to more information about the wall but what I found was very limited. So instead I leave you with this link to the National Quilt Museum located 1 block north of the wall. This year the museum had a special display "Best of Show: 25 years of Quilting Excellence". It was a wonderful opportunity to see how quilting has changed in such a short span of time. This is a trip I will never forget.