Monday, May 4, 2009

Falling Apart at the Seams

Certain things seem to be piling up around here, like paper work, weedy gardens, laundry and dust... all of which is effecting my ability to relax and create. So, I've decided to free up some hours over the next couple of weeks to tend to these things. If I don't then I fear that I, (and the home) shall start falling apart at the seams... such as this old barn right outside my neighborhood. Taking a blog break, seemed to be the logical, (but truthfully difficult) choice. So for the next two weeks I won't be posting, nor will I be commenting on your blogs, (though I may occasionally lurk!) I will still be tending to my Etsy shops, and checking email if anyone needs to contact me. See you all soon! xo

PS. Thanks to all who have been sending me their well wishes for Mo and asking about how she is doing. My little sweetie-pie is still hanging in there, and seems to be completely recovered from her stroke. Unfortunately the sinus tumor is growing, it is actually slightly distorting her snout now, and is causing a lot of congestion, some bleeding and trouble with her breathing. Low doses of Predisone seem to be helping. However, Molasses still shows amazing enthusiasm for each day and overall seems very happy. We just keep playing it by ear, taking it one day at a time and enjoying each others company all that we can.