Monday, May 2, 2011

Love-Serendipity-Family Selvage Quilt

I've posted about this quilt several times while I was working on it, so there's not a lot left to say other than: YAY! It's done to quilt top form. (Click any photo to enlarge if you wish)

This quilt was not without its frustrations.
Let me see ... there were the two whole sections that I decided not to use, the time my daughter used the permanent laundry marker I use to mark my guide lines under the selvages to add a few doodles of her own (thankfully only on a border piece that wasn't yet sewn on), my iron water staining some of the fabric, sewing one piece of border in with the seams on the wrong side ... just trying to present an honest picture of my process here ;-)
I think I love this quilt, but I'm not 100% sure. I love all the individual elements of it, but as a whole I just don't know if I'm as convinced. The layout is very different from anything else I've done. I do absolutely, for sure, love the red with the white of the selvages.
The red is Kona Rich Red and it is fabulous.

This quilt is for the KVQG quilt show in the fall. The quilt show theme is Serendipity.
You can see my little selvage family there. That's my favourite part. And I haven't forgotten that I said I would post a tutorial for the selvage stick people ... coming soon.

I haven't decided on the quilting of this yet. I will be sending it out (it's huge, my six foot tall husband is standing on a dining room chair to hold it up). I would love to have it done in invisible thread, but that caused major problems last time, so we'll see.

My selvage fascination continues as I have a couple more selvage projects to start soon.

Thanks for stopping by!

I'm linking up to Made by You Monday... and of course Fabric Tuesday over at Quiltstory.