Saturday, May 7, 2011

Gracious . . .

What a week-and-a-half it's been. In my last entry I shared how the weather was already kicking into high gear; it kicked into even high gear later in the day. We were fortunate, to say the least, and did not suffer any major damage. Even people who had uprooted trees or car damage didn't really have major damage, in light of the tremendous loss of life and property that some in our area experienced. Really, all of North Alabama is got hit hard. Several communities in our county were hit with the huge EF5 tornado that swept through Wednesday evening. If you've watched news at all over the past week, you've probably seen images. Photos can't compare to driving down roads and seeing it with your own eyes. It's heartbreaking.

As I said, we didn't sustain anything major. We were without power, but since we're in our RV (and Todd had JUST purchased a generator), we were sitting pretty. When the power went, the refrigerator automatically converted to LP and the battery kept lights shining. Todd was on shift when it all happened (it tends to happen that way), so I was up at the RV by myself. It was a wild, wild and scary evening.

James, Kim & Sawyer came and stayed with us while power was out. We were able to keep Sawyer's milk cold (and heat it) and it was lovely spending time together, and allowing Sawyer to become comfortable in our RV home! We actually had a marvelous time riding around the camp in the golf cart, exploring through Sawyer's eyes!

James, Todd, Jocelyn & Jason have all been able to volunteer and participate in clean-up efforts, and caring for those who were displaced by the storm. The donations of time and materials is overwhelmingly wonderful. A true picture of loving your neighbor as yourself.

Sawyer Graham is walking and walking and walking! I can't believe how fast it's all happened. He's gotten quite stable, although if he wants to get somewhere really fast, he still crawls. So funny! He doesn't need to grasp the concept of running just yet!

My last day of work was this past Wednesday. It's a very good thing. I'll be able to take care of the administrative side of our ministry and shoulder some of the burden that Todd's been bearing by himself. I'm excited, to say the least!

Our guild's bus trip to Paducah was canceled, due to the storms. We were under a very strict curfew, and our departure and arrivals times didn't work in the confines of the curfew times. This makes five years running that something has happened to keep me from going to Paducah!

Kim's last day of work was Friday -- and as happy as I am for her (because I know how much she wanted to be a stay-at-home mommy), I'm sad that I won't have those regular Sawyer days, once a week. Perhaps Kim will soon be ready for some "Kim time" in a week or so, and will allow me to watch Sawyer while she takes some time for her!

Quilting has mostly been on hold through all of this (for one thing, our office/quilt room is also the guest bedroom!), though I do have my finished BOM due next weekend, and a new swap project in the works. More on those next week.

And pictures. My camera has been taking a break; it'll be out and in action again next week!
