Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pineapple Class Again

I love Pineapple Quilts. The framed quilt is from a class taught by Doris M. Deutmeyer last summer. This pineapple quilt is well loved. It was the second quilting project I completed when I was a new quilter. This class was taught by quilt designer Suzanne Unbehaun.
This weekend I will be taking another Pineapple Quilt class from Barb Vlack at the quarterly Wisconsin Quilters, Inc guild meeting in Green Lake, WI. This will be the third and once again different technique I learn to construct this block design. I wanted to play with some colors that I love but don't always choose for my finished quilts. I haven't made final selections yet. I can't wait to see what I end up with. It could be amazing or just plain scary. Wish me luck!