Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fat Quarter Decorating!

Lara of the Lazy Organizer blog has been asking for decorating help on her blog, and I was wondering if any other quilter's do what I do and decorate with their Fat Quarters!! LOL.
I fall for beautiful colors all stacked together in a neat tower and tied up in a ribbon! Lot's of other quilters must be suckers for them too or else we wouldn't find them at the Quilt Shops! I get them home and I don't want to break up such a cute package. Especially if it's all stuffed in a cute little Mary Engelbreit tin and tied up in cellophane!! So I usually let them decorate my Quilt Studio. At least for a couple years!
I just have to add, since I am linking this to Lara's blog. Although my three year old is not as adept as her daughter is to helping with the household chores, he did fold a pile of dishrags today for me!! He likes laundry day, but that for him usually entails playing in the bucket of laundry detergent. Today, he unloaded his brother's laundry from the dryer for me, too! No it's not folded, that's big bros job. I do love my older kids doing their own laundry; I don't like them leaving it in the washer or dryer when I decide it's time for me to get my laundry done. I've tried to make up a schedule and assign us all a day, but it just never works. So I guess I get to put up with the laundry in the dryer, but if I train the 3 YO to unload it for me it won't be so bad!!