Thursday, October 16, 2008

Albino Squirrel Visits Our Yard

We have lived in our current home for almost 13 years now, and despite the yard being full of trees, (all of which we planted, or had planted) I have only ever seen 3 squirrels here, which is a-okay by me, as I am afraid of the little creatures! (Years ago, when I was 17, I was chased by a rabid one...STOP LAUGHING... It was outside at a home I was visiting. At first I thought the squirrel was just friendly, but then I saw the madness behind its beady little eyes. As I walked away, it started to follow me, the faster I walked the faster it followed, and when I took off running, it chased me in fast pursuit! As I approached the front of the house, I lunged for the handle of the home's screened porch door, racing through the threshold and yanking the door closed behind me. At this very moment the crazed squirrel took a flying leap through the air, and landed on the screened door, spread eagle and at face level! Again... STOP LAUGHING! It was very traumatic! Had it not been for that door being there right at that moment that nutty squirrel would have been hanging on to the back of my head, with it's sharp little claws wrapped around my face!! We had to beat it off of the screen door with a shoe! I have had the willies for squirrels ever since... can you blame me!?!)

Anyway, 2 of those 3 squirrel sightings took place this week, and imagine our surprise when one of them turned out to be an Albino Squirrel! (Yes,she has red eyes!)

Despite my fear of squirrels, I feel intense maternal urges of protection for this little one, and have been thrilled that it has visited our yard several times now. We have named her Snowdrop, and I hope that she will find protection and happiness here, living in peace with the bunnies, (and me)!

Forgive these pretty awful pictures... it is the closest that I have been to a squirrel in sometime, and I feel terrible because I unintentionally scared her... poor thing. She was getting nervous with my photography, and made a sudden dash down the tree. I screamed like a cat with it's tail on fire, and that scared her even more. Poor little Snowdrop ran from tree to tree, as I stood frozen in fear. Anyway, every time she came to a new tree, she turned and looked to see if the crazy lady was still within sight, and then in a panic ran off to a new spot, zig-zagging across our yard like something out of a Looney Tune cartoon! Eventually she ran into the neighbors yard. However she did come back the next day, so hopefully all is forgiven. Much to Snowdrop's credit, she held onto her black walnut the entire time! Reminded me of the little critter from the movie Ice Age! I look for her now all the time, hoping she will return again. (I promise Snowdrop, the crazy lady will behave, and leave you in peace!)