Monday, August 18, 2008

Feeling Better

Well, I am feeling much better from my last post. The blues got a bit worse before getting better, but ultimately two things really helped to bring me out of my funk. The first thing was reading the comments left... a heartfelt thank you to those that offered comfort, wisdom, and understanding. I really appreciated all of your words.

The second thing was, I started to zero in on and identify the biggest cause of my sadness. It was feeling like I hadn't done enough with my girls as they were growing up, and longing to go back in time so that I could do it over, and better. So I made a list of all the things I wished I had done. And as I read over my list I began to realize that I HAD done all of the things I had wanted to. And not only had I done them, I had done most of them in spades. I was a hands on, down in the dirt with them, type of mom. I read books with them, I played and explored with them, I cuddled and fell asleep with them... We built forts and painted pictures and took long walks... Sometimes I got mad over stupid things, but I also talked to them, worked things out, said I was sorry, and always tried my best. So enough already with the blues. I had my time as the mother of young children, and I spent it well. Now I get to enjoy this phase of the game, and I am ready to play!

Yesterday we moved eldest daughter, (on the left) into college for her 2nd year. She has a great room, (twice the size of last year's) and a great friend that she is rooming with. Youngest daughter is to my right, she just joined the tennis team and is really looking forward to starting high school this year. I am a very proud, (and happy) mama!