Sunday, June 25, 2006

I let too many things interfere with my commitment to journal on a daily basis. It's a shame, I know, and I've really got no excuse. It's a shame because God has shown me some really cool things this week, and I should have been noting them as I learned them -- not waiting to play catch-up, at the week's end. Not to mention, God was pretty clear to me at the beginning of the year when He directed me to be faithful in journaling. Not *my* will, Lord, but YOURS be done. Except, I haven't done it. {sigh}

I want to relate to these girls. Lord, I really want to relate to them, and have them be able to relate to me. Father, what do You want? How do *You* want me to proceed??

I want to be skinny and healthy and fit. I'm tired of obesity. Blah. I spit it out of my mouth. (Unfortunately, the problem is the food that I *don't* spit out of my mouth!)

It's incredible to sit back and watch Jocelyn grow and lean on the Lord. It's the same with James. My children are growing up. I'm so humbled by how God has grown them and strengthened them, despite me. I'm so grateful; beyond words.

I love my husband so much. He cares for me -- in so many different aspects. Father, I praise You for him.

We had the Burketts over for dinner last night, and went out to dinner with the Wrights on Friday night. Wow! We had a great time both nights. It was so sweet to fellowship with brothers & sisters in Christ, outside of church! Friday night is Kasey & Greg's "guy" shower, which should be fun. Lord, please prepare me so that I can fulfill the role I'm supposed to fulfill that night!

I have 2.5 hours until we get to go back to church and sing with the Mike Spec Trio!!! I'm very excited!