Hi everyone! Just popping in to touch base...

Things are still busy here. For starters, the scheduled wisdom teeth surgery that youngest daughter was scheduled for tomorrow has been put on hold due to a case of bronchitis and walking pneumonia. (Where the hell, in the middle of summer, that all came from... I have no idea.)
Remnant #11

I have been keeping more then busy with other family/life details that I won't bore you with, (you are welcome!) Happily in the midst of everything I did manage to get three new Remnant pieces made, (shown through out this post, because eye candy is always good!) Stitching keeps me sane.
Remnant #12

Things are still busy here. For starters, the scheduled wisdom teeth surgery that youngest daughter was scheduled for tomorrow has been put on hold due to a case of bronchitis and walking pneumonia. (Where the hell, in the middle of summer, that all came from... I have no idea.)

The combination of the two have kicked her asthma back into high gear, (something we had mistakenly thought she had outgrown) ... as well as my worry, (I'm driving her nuts with my hovering). Now it's lots of ongoing meds and doctor visits to keep a check on how things are progressing. She's been a real trooper, and things are looking like they are starting to get better as yesterday she didn't need her rescue inhaler at all.

I have been keeping more then busy with other family/life details that I won't bore you with, (you are welcome!) Happily in the midst of everything I did manage to get three new Remnant pieces made, (shown through out this post, because eye candy is always good!) Stitching keeps me sane.

I am also planning for an up coming trip that I think you all will find very exciting... but I don't want to give away any more information then that... at least for now. (However, I will say that it is making me both very excited and very, very nervous. Hmmm... what could it be?)