Well we've had a very busy weekend. Saturday after we closed the store we took a trip to visit with Patricks
parents in Baton Rouge. They seem to be doing fairly well. We found out that Patricks Dad will have knee surgery next week. Hopefully everything will go well.
On Sunday we stayed around the house and I done some embroidery and digitizing then went over to the store so Patrick could put up the new display for AccuQuilt Go.
Then Monday, Patrick went out to cut the grass and when he was doing the trimming with the weed eater he threw a rock and guess what happened just take a look at the picture. So I made him take care of the mess and call to see about getting it fixed.
After we got this all taken care of I was able to finish working on the Newsletter. It is now posted at http://www.quiltingniche.com/ under Newsletter.