So ... four Marden's locations and two quilt shops later, I added quite nicely to my stash. I couldn't resist some Halloween fabric, some great girly I-Spy type novelty fabrics, some older Heather Ross, and even one little lonely fat quarter of Flea Market Fancy (pink posies, I believe).
I may even have enough fabric now that I don't have to buy any more for the 2010 calendar year. Oh, wait, what's that I hear? Yes, it's my husband's laughter. But we'll see. I really do have plenty and I have already bought what I need to make Christmas gifts so maybe ... just maybe ...
On the quilting front, I am diligently working away on my top secret quilt for the local quilt show. I know I probably shouldn't call it *secret* as it raises expectations that it is some masterpiece, but it is fun to say. I like having the goal of the show to work toward, and in my humble beginner quilter opinion, the quilt I'm making is kind of cool. ;-)
One final note. The photo above was taken by my mother. My parents went on vacation with us, which was great. And even greater, I think I may have successfully pulled my Mom into the quilting vortex. She bought fabric too. Quite a bit of fabric actually. Enough to make a whole big quilt. And she already has an idea for a design. Aaaaaaannd when I phoned her today, my Dad said she had gone to buy thread!