In other quilty news, I ordered some paper templates to make some little hexagons. I tell you I tried hard to resist the trend for a long time, but I think the bloggy peer pressure got to me and I just had to hang with the cool kids! ;-) Anyway, I really don't think I'll be making a whole quilt from hexagons, but rather will use some to work in here and there.
Also, my sewing machine is awful. I am always tempted to write a blog post here entitled "May I have permission to throw my sewing machine out the window?" The thread tension has a mind of its own. Adjustments and tweaks by me make no difference. So, I am excited to be getting a new one. Eventually. First, I was going to ask Santa for one. Then I thought about maybe my birthday (in November). Then I thought, who needs an occasion? I'm just going to buy it. I have to get some real work (manuscript editing) out of the way first, but likely within the next month or so a new sewing machine will be my treat!