Thursday, April 3, 2008

Growing Older

Molasses, my beloved pooch, and I are growing older. She turned 11 this past December, and I hit 45 last Sunday. I generally shy away from the camera, but today I thought I would take a few pics of us and pay tribute to growing older. (Note I say growing "older" not "old". There is a difference!) Ever since I was a little girl I was determined to view the aging process as a thing of beauty. I loved the dignity and assuredness of Georgia O'Keefe. I adored the spirit of Ruth Gordon, especially in her role as Maude in "Harold and Maude". (If you have never seen this movie go rent it now!) As a 10 year old girl I vowed that I would be a woman who embraced what ever age she was, and who wore her wrinkles with pride. As a 45 year old woman, this is proving a bit more difficult to master than I had thought it would. The changes that I see in each passing year have alarmed me at times. Things aren't as toned, and it seems that age spots are appearing everywhere. I wear bifocals now! But it's all good. I look forward to each birthday. I love that I am still here! I really enjoy the process of growing into myself. Maybe it has to do with being fortunate enough to have a birthday that coincides with the arrival of spring. It's all about hope, rebirth, renewal and joy. That's how I view birthdays. I sincerely hope that I get to celebrate another 45 birthdays, and I wish that Molasses could, too.