Friday, April 25, 2008

Everyday Pleasures

Note: I originally did this post with different images, but apparently the pictures were not showing up for people visiting my blog, (a big thank you to those who let me know, as I could see them fine!) I am starting over with new pictures, and will share the first batch next week when they feel like co-operating with me! Please let me know if anyone is still experiencing problems seeing my images, thanks!... And now for my post!

Last Friday I did a post on why I like the Green Dragon Farmers Market. Over the last 12 years, during the spring and summer, we have gone there almost every week, yet last Friday was the first time that I had ever brought my camera along. Looking for blog inspiration, I was encouraged to zero in on and capture snapshots of what made this a happy place for me, and that made it into something extra special. In keeping with that intent, to step out of my head a bit more, look around at my surroundings and zero in on what brings me joy, I have decided that every Friday I will do a post on everyday pleasures.

The way the farm woman around here all hang their laundry, way up high, on long wash lines.

A beautiful horse peacefully grazing on dandelions.

A mysterious old, blue lock box in the middle of a field. I wonder what's inside?