Friday, August 3, 2007

Obligatory post! Just kidding. Well, sorta. It has been a very long time since I posted. I've got no excuse except for a touch of laziness, and a hectic life. My son has become engaged and is planning on marrying in March, 2008. My daughter is heading back to school for her senior year, and will graduate from college on May 10. My children and husband have been/or are going to China and Africa and Montana on mission trips. Work is crazy and instead of the 28/32 hours a week I typically work, I've been working 48/52 hours.

Life is crazy!

When our new Sunday School year started in May, I left my youth girls and went back up to adult ladies. I'm teaching our youngest adult ladies class, which is absolutely wonderful!

My dream right now is to someday own a B&B. While we were in Virginia this summer, I found a home that would have converted beautifully (and with very little effort) into a superb B&B. I'm almost heartbroken that it's not a home I can just buy and do with what I want! It was just perfect. My heart hurts just a little ... just a tiny bit ... that the beautiful old home won't be mine.

Today is Friday! It's time to get ready for work and get this day on the road!
