Saturday, August 4, 2007

Jocelyn & I had fun yesterday evening. It's nice to be able to spend some one-on-one time with her before she heads back for her final semester. We were laughing so hard in Target, it was hard to make it down the aisles! I'm sure our goofiness turned some heads. I pretty much bought her whatever it was she wanted/needed. My thinking is, when you can, you can. Last night I could.

The horror of the bridge tragedy is still very overwhelming. The video clip of the bridge collapsing is like some out of a movie scene.

My friend and co-worker is still in the hospital after having surgery for a broken hip. She is being treated very poorly by hospital staff and I don't understand it. Unfortunately, a nurse was killed as she walked the crosswalk to the hospital during the week, and I'm sure it devastated staff. However, there can't be a complete loss of care to those patients in the care of the hospital. I'm so angry.

Sometimes it's hard to remember that God is in control of all things. He is certainly big enough to handle it all. It's up to me to *faithfully* lift it up to Him, and to trust His will and wisdom. For me, it's a case of "easier said than done." Not that I can't do it, I just have to get to the point where I remember that's what I'm supposed to do.

Lord, how I thank You that You ARE in control. You hold Lola, the victims of the bridge collapse, Jay and his family, the people effected by the flooding in South Asia -- You hold all of that in Your mighty hands. Your word teaches that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Lord, I pray that You will allow me to act accordingly. To lift those to You who need strength and hope right now. To trust You in each situation. To remember for Whom I was created. Where I can, allow me to be salt & light - a reflection of Your love. And allow me to give You praise and honor in all things. In the precious of of Jesus --

