Friday, August 31, 2007

I am reading (again) a book called Created to be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. Awesome, incredible, Bible-based book. I'm enjoying it, because it reveals how being a godly wife is all about me and my relationship with God, and has nothing to do with how good or bad a husband I have. Wow. Something I read today really stuck. Debi writes: A man cannot cherish a strong woman who expresses her displeasure of him. You can say that he should model Christ's love regardless of how she acts. Is that what you want? Is it what Christ wants? Do you want your husband to be forced to seek supernatural power just to find a way to love you? Again I say, WOW! If that is not a humbling, convicting statement, I don't know what is.

I'm also preparing for Sunday's lesson. We've just started using a new curriculum from Lifeway -- MasterWork. Interestingly enough, it's based on books by two authors I really respect -- Adrian Rogers and Randy Alcorn. The first lesson is fascinating - it should be interesting to see how the class responds. I'm looking forward to teaching!

