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Monday, July 18, 2011
The Truth is...
that I haven't turned on my sewing machine in well over a month...have not made anything out of cloth lately...This is a thread painting I created for a challenge on Quilts Around the World that was posted on that blog and mine the end of June.
And I just entered it in an art show in our local art gallery in three parts: Photo; drawing; thread painting for a show called "Animals, Animals, Animals".
I've been taking lots of photos since summer started and have taken up my sketchbook, pens, and watercolors. Oh, and I've been knitting for our new grand baby coming in a months time. But since finishing a quilt for her I have not made even a journal art quilt. That muse is on hold for some reason. But lest you think me fallen by the wayside I decided to post these today. I am sure the sewing quilting creative me will rise again....before too long. Stay tuned. In the meantime I am enjoying all that others are doing here!