Monday, July 11, 2011

design wall prequel . . .

Really, this is a parade of fabrics that will eventually lead to a design wall post. Friday turned into a mini quilt shop hop, and along with auditioning combinations for the Sentimental Journey blocks that my group is doing in Civil War fabrics and swapping out, I just did my part to help boost local economies and small business owners. *wink*

Our first stop was the one in Decherd, Tennessee, to visit Decherd Needleworks. I was very impressed with both his shop and his prices. While he didn't carry the newest, funkiest lines, he did have a terrific selection and his prices were wonderful. I don't think I paid more than $5 a yard for anything I bought there, except of one fabric. The shop was a good find and a nice way to start our day!

I think I've finally (maybe, possibly) settled on the two combinations of fabrics I want to use for the blocks I swap. The pictures don't do the colors justice, but quilter's have such creative imaginations, I figure you can make up for what the photos lack.

The blues in that beautiful cheddar were wonderful and the shirting fabric did a nice job of complimenting.

And I really loved this flip-flop combination of deep, burnt reds and cream.

My favorite fabric of the day was this pink. The shading is so subtle and beautiful. I may use this combo for my own blocks. We're only swapping for a total of 40, and it'll take at least another thirty or so for a quilt. Yup, I may fill in a lot with the pink. Or may be I'll just use it for something else. I wanted to buy the whole bolt. But I didn't. But I might go back. Seriously.

And I have to say, I was *so* impressed with the shop that I got a little carried away. But they were all so PRETTY!

He had a *really* nice selection of fat quarters, too. I got a little Halloween on while I was there.

We finished so early -- before noon -- that we really didn't feel like we could call it a day. So instead, we zipped on down Highway 64 and hit one of my favorite quilt shops, Hooked On Quilting!

I can always find fabrics I like there, and she did have a line of fall fabrics that was absolutely gorgeous! But since I'd already pretty much emptied my wallet in Decherd, I resisted that urge. I couldn't leave completely empty-handed, though, so I did pick up this cute Halloween charm pack. I have a fun pattern that's just begging me to get fabric for it and get busy. ;)

So we finished up there and decided it was not only too early, but there was a quilt shop down the way that was closing its doors and had some good prices, so we loaded up into the car and headed south, back into Alabama, to Quilter's Refuge.

It's sad to see any small business having to close its doors, but it's even sadder when it's a quilt shop. When Kathy and I got there, they were down to just a few shelves of fabric and some notions and patterns. I did find some pretty fabric to fill in my stash . . .

And a couple of patterns that I couldn't pass up!

And after I'd made my purchases, we hopped back in the car and headed for home.

And while that was the end of my quilting/shopping/fabric day, it was *not* the end of my day! I got home, traded my shopping bag of fabrics for my bag of scrapbooking supplies, and headed right back out!

Before we proceed to pictures, I must get in this disclaimer: I am not a scrapbooker. *But* when the kids went to Europe with my folks several years ago, they also came back with tons of pictures. Jocelyn does enjoy scrapbooking and has all the cool tools, but James -- he just had pictures. I offered to scrap them for him and he gladly turned over his pictures and souvenirs. That was SIX years ago! I'd purchased a book and pages and page protectors and photo tape and lots of fun stickers . . . and still no completed memory book. I knew I needed motivation, so I hooked up with a group of women from Lighthouse who scrap, and asked if I could join their next party. What a difference it made!

It was fun to lay out (once I figured that the pictures were numbered in the order in which they were taken), but it was also tough.

I wasn't on the trip, so I had no way of knowing the significance of any of his pictures!

I left plenty of space and I'll go back over the pages with Jocelyn to see if she can help me fill in the blanks.

Whew! It took me six hours, but I finished the whole thing! There was even a spot left at the back of the book for me to insert pamphlets and tokens and leftover pictures. It's all there.

Since James doesn't really get into blog reading, I'm good to go. I'll present this to him for his birthday! I'm *so* glad it's finished. I may never scrap book again! I think perhaps that scrappy quilts may be more my style. :)

But shopping wasn't finished. Saturday I turned around and took my completed BOM squares to Patches and Stitches and picked up my July instructions . . .

These two blocks and then two in August and the blocks are done! Whoohoo!

I also picked up a little more of my foundational fabrics for the BOM quilt (which I'm still working on names for), as well as a handy little quilter's tool. What quilter doesn't want/need perfect seams?!?

Another gadget for my collection. Can a quilter really ever have too many?

Today I'm off to work out my camera. That's code for "I'm spending the day with Sawyer!" And then there's a good chance I may be headed to KNOXVILLE and the AQS quilt show! Whoohoo!

In the meantime, head on over to Judy Laquidara's Patchwork Times and check out all the lovely stuff being in created in the quilting world! (Note: her design wall post wasn't up last time I looked.)

Happy Monday!
