Sunday, October 7, 2007

Note to self: don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Yesterday's first practice was great - while I was exhausted by the end, I still felt up to staying late for the freshmeat only practice afterwards. While I knew I had a lot to learn about contact, I still wanted to give it my best shot in the hopes that I would catch up quickly. That was before Chickie Cutlette found me passed out by a garbage can halfway to the bathroom.

Yup, after having to skate off the rink once to dry heave and then hyperventillate over the toilet, I tried to go back to skating. Big mistake - I still wanted to barf. I got as far as the trash can near the bathroom door, saw black spots and heard a whistling noise, and the next thing I knew Chickie was handing me a damp, cold towel while the left side of my head throbbed.

I regret focusing so much on strength training and so little on cardio at the gym over the past year. I need to get into better shape. Thankfully this isn't permanent - the more I skate the easier skating will get. However, it was still embarassing to pass out - I haven't done that since I had mono.

Since I don't drink, I've had a deficit of "... and I woke up wrapped around a trash can" stories. At least this gives me one.