Tuesday, October 16, 2007

New Pincushions and Creative Ramblings

Here are a couple of new pincushions that I made the other week. I added a small vintage doily to each of these. Besides these I made a few others that I have been selling at the local craft shows. Hope to get a few of the new ones posted in my Etsy shop sometime this week. And then I think I may be taking a break from making them for a bit.

Feeling a bit burned out and run down. Been so busy this summer and fall making things to sell at all of the shows. I feel myself getting antsy to create some new things. Slower things. A little more art, a little less craft. This is how I always am, flip-floping back and forth, easily bored. (Big sigh)

I have been doing a lot of doodling and illustrating on the sewing machine this week. I love to draw with the machine, as it is very freeing in a lot of ways. Still working on figuring out where these ideas and doodles are going. If they amount to anything worth sharing, I will be sure to post them!

This embryonic stage of creating can be very exciting at times, but also frustrating as I stumble and fumble along, making lots of mess, and seemingly little else. I have learned, that for me it is just part of my creative process, and to just give into it.

Hope to be showing something new and different soon!