Monday, May 29, 2006


From everything. I didn't work, didn't walk, and I didn't do much of anything. I had planned to walk with Todd this morning, before he went on shift, but I went to bed with a migraine, and woke up with it worse.

We had Kim and James and Dallas and Jocelyn for Sunday dinner yesterday. It was fun! Both girls helped me in the kitchen. The menfolk all hung out in the living room. It was a fun meal and a happy memory.

I can't believe Jocelyn is heading out again in two days. Good gracious, I am going to miss my girl!

SS went spendidly yesterday! We had two visitors, and I think the girls really enjoyed the lesson. This Sunday is the account of Adam & Eve in the garden, along with the first sin. Lord, I pray that as I study this week's Scripture and lesson plan, You will give me understanding; that You will open my eyes fresh and anew to Your Word. Father, I ask that You impress upon me the information You would have me share with those lovely girls.

And they are just darling.
