Lisa Boling (on the left) of Warrensburg had finished her top from "Across the Wide Missouri" and brought it to show us. It is just awesome!
The backgrounds are all cotton but the applique pieces are wool. And she added details to each block. Eggs, a flower and a quilt were added to the basket block.
She added a deer, a bird and a squirrel to one of the tree blocks
The Dogtrot Cabin block got a tree stump and ax and the beeskep got bees.
What great fun! Good work Lisa and thanks for showing us. If you want to make your own Across the Wide Missouri quilt, click here to get to the book.
Besides Show and Tell, we sat and sewed and gabbed, ate lunch and then hit the quilt shop in Cameron, Crossroads Quilting - a really neat shop. Last time we went to Hamilton and shopped at Missouri Star Quilt Shop. It's really great to have two shops so close now. Anyway, it was definitely my idea of a fun day.
On a more sober note, one of our members couldn't be there because she had to fly to Texas. Her daughter-in-law had to have an emergency c-section and the brand new baby granddaughter, only 3 lbs, 15 oz, is having heart problems. Prayer support for baby Emily and her family is needed and appreciated. I've found that most quilters are not only good at quilting but pretty good at praying too.