Monday, April 4, 2011

A Big Thank You!

My Big Thank You goes out to all who made Project Quilting happen!  To all the participants, the sponsors, the judges, and especially the organizer and creator of Project Quilting, Kim.  Also the general public for viewing and voting! And last but not least , my  friends and family who supported me through hours of crazy quilting ideas and creations which resulted in wonderful final projects for the contest. 

Project Quilting gave me permission to create... What I mean by this, is that I didn't have to follow a pattern.  I would come up with an idea and just start drafting it out on paper or in my head and just go with it!  Sometimes I would have to cut and sew and then rip it out, but I tried new things and really created the ideas that were spinning around in my head!  An extra bonus for me was that I watched a lot less TV at night.  I quilt customer's quilts all day and my only free time are my evenings.  Thanks to project quilting for filling my evenings with creative thinking! 

I am very please to have placed third in the contest!  Makes me smile!  Kim created a wonderful mosaic of my projects.

Watch for an April post which will include the photo directions for making a quilted tote bag from a small quilted piece like a baby quilt or quilted wall hanging.  Learn how to make it in April and do it in May for May for Me!

Do you have a small quilt you would like to make into a quilted tote bag?  Join us for the May for Me celebration!